Devin Nunes don't repensent us

They don’t represent us in Golden State
Our valley is perennially under-employed, even worst during the recession. Cities and countries are laying off hundreds of workers. It’s reported that high-speed rail could provide 120,000-plus jobs locally.  Fresno is emerging as the logical location for the maintence station, with is permanent jobs. The federal government has even appropriated billions of dollars for this project.

Three Valley Congressmen, Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy, and Jeff Denham, have introduced a bill-H.R.761-to kill this high-speed rail project by reassigning the money, already appropriated, to highway 99 improvements.

This will not produce anywhere near the jobs that high-speed rail would. Their real purpose is to prevent the president from benefitting politically. So, instead of being the constitutionally elected representatives of the people in their districts, they have decided to become impediments to the progress in their districts.
It is apparent to me that this is the result of these congressmen selling their souls and their votes to Washington lobbyists, who represent a handful of billionaires who but votes. They are not supporting the people of their districts. Should the people of their districts continue to support them.

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